May 13, 2012 in Dag

Pantsers and plotters and plontsers

Today, the topic I’ve chosen to write about is something dear to the hearts of most writers. It’s one of the most fundamental questions that must be considered when you’re thinking about how to approach writing. And it’s one that I’ve had to answer numerous times over the many author interviews I’ve done. The question

May 9, 2012 in Dag

Guest post by A.K. Taylor

Today I’d like to welcome another visitor to Dag-Lit Central. A.K. Taylor will be talking about how she came to write her books and the influences on her writing. So, take it away, A.K. The YA Saga Begun by a Teenager that Didn’t Die but Grew with the Author First off I would like to

May 6, 2012 in Dag

It must be time for Writer Idol

I just want to start this post by thanking everybody who helped me out by supporting my giveaway event. All that tweeting and Facebooking and blog posting definitely helped make it such a great success. In the end, Magnus Opum climbed well into the top 100 free listing on Amazon and spent most of the

May 3, 2012 in Dag

A little piece of Magnus Opum for the price of a cup of nothing

Today is the big day. It’s a momentous event. People are holding their breath. The whole world is coming to a stop as it waits expectantly. Okay – it might not be quite as big as that, but it is a kind of important day for me. This Thursday and Friday, I will be giving

April 28, 2012 in Dag

Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam (and just a few baked beans)

My post today is about spam. We all know what it is. We all hate it. All those annoying ads and emails for watches and pills and Russian brides and other things that this blog is much too clean to begin talking about. Not to mention the very worst form of spam of all –