December 24, 2020 in Dag

I can start at the beginning, the end, or somewhere in the middle

One of the most vexed topics to consider when looking at the art of creating a story is where to start. At what point do you start to conceive the idea of what your story is about? The most obvious point would seem to be the beginning. That makes complete sense, doesn’t it? I mean,

December 17, 2020 in Dag

Insecurity is a writer’s curse/blessing

Today, the subject of my post is going to be insecurity. How good is insecurity? Well, to be honest it’s kind of crap. But it’s kind of crap in a good way, at least when you’re a writer. Or maybe I should rephrase that. It’s kind of good in a crap way. Okay, give me

December 10, 2020 in Dag

I wish my back was as supple as my storylines

As a writer, I like to think I’m supple and agile when it comes to storylines. I like to think I can twist and turn a plot in all sorts of directions. I like to think I can write stories that are twinkle-toed, able to make sudden changes of direction in an instant. If only

December 3, 2020 in Dag

Spinning from the leg – or just pulling your leg

I think I’ve mentioned before over the course of this blog how one of my great loves is the game of cricket. I’ve been a big fan of the game since I was taken to test matches in the mid seventies. These were definitely glory days for the game. The Australian team included names like

November 26, 2020 in Dag

I’m very zen about my hangups and neuroses

Here’s an interesting fact about me that you may never have known (though if you’ve read this blog carefully for a while, you may have guessed it). I’m kind of messed up. Kind of hung up and neurotic. I stress about things. I overthink. I spend hours awake at night worrying about thing I have