This will be a very short post today.
As pretty much everyone else on this planet will probably agree, the last year and a bit has been pretty stressful. Work has been stressful. Family life has been stressful. Staying healthy has been stressful. And I barely need to mention the enormous COVID-shaped elephant that’s been looming over all of us.
Amidst all of this stress, something has had to give. I’ve been looking to simplify things, and cast aside any activity that is potentially adding to the stress. And unfortunately, one of the things I’ve decided to let go is this weekly blog.
Part of me is a little sad – after all I’ve been doing this for around 10 years now. But part of me is relieved – coming up with new ideas was becoming increasingly difficult and I was finding myself descending into repetition or outright whinging a lot of the time.
I may be back when things have settled down a bit. I may not. We’ll see how things go. All in all, I’ve had a bit of fun with this and hope it has also been fun for any readers out there (yes I know you’re there). But as they say, all good things must come to an end – and so must this blog (you see amidst all of this I haven’t lost my devastatingly sharp sense of humour).
So till whatever comes next – seeya later.
Posted by Jonathan Gould and tagged as