Writing is awesome. Being an indie writer is awesome. And what is really awesome is that a group of writers called the Awesome Indies is having an awesome launch party over the next few days.
The Awesome Indies site is a place where you can find quality independent books (and maybe a few by me as well). To celebrate the opening of this site, they are holding a Grand Opening Party from August 21-25. There’s a bunch of books reduced to just 99c (including some by me) as well as prizes and fun events to participate in.
Here’s a list of some of the fun stuff happening:
- On August 22 you can play “Who is the piano playing dog?” Watch an amazing video and vote on the best explanation for who the dog is and what he’s doing.
- On August 23, you can participate in a fun Awesome Indies quiz.
- August 24 is meet the author day, when you can read stories of why authors chose to go indie.
- On August 25 you can win a Kindle Paperwhite. There will also be a bunch of free books available.
So hopefully you’ll come along and join in the fun.
Posted by Jonathan Gould and tagged as