This weekend is a big news weekend!!
The first major announcement to make is that the Flidderbugs have just hatched.
Flidderbugs is my new ebook release. It’s a story about a strange race of insects who live on a very distinctive tree – the Krephiloff tree. And like the Flidderbugs themselves, the story is a bit tricky to classify. It’s kind of a political satire and kind of a modern fable. But if that sounds a bit complicated, it’s also just a funny story about a bunch of ‘bugs with some most peculiar obsessions.
It’s available via Amazon, Amazon UK and Smashwords – and will soon be up on most other ebook retailers as well – and it’s just 99c (or the nearest equivalent pound amount).
Check out my Flidderbugs page if you’d like to learn a little more about it and especially what reviewers are already saying.
The other news for the weekend is that I am participating in a major ebook event:the Indie Book Blowout.
Myself and over 100 other writers are involved in this event, organised by the Indie Book Collective. All of us are making their book available on Amazon for just 99c from now until Monday.
So if you’re on the lookout for something to read, please check it out.
For anyone participating in the GoodEreader ebook of the week promotion, please leave your email address in a comment below. First 5 comments will receive a free copy of Flidderbugs.
Posted by Jonathan Gould and tagged as