April 16, 2015 in Dag

Do I do my best or do I do my worst?

Here’s a little known fact about me. I have a background in science. I even have a science degree to prove it. I know, after reading some of my blather, it’s hard to believe that I have any kind of degree at all, but that’s the absolute truth and I wouldn’t lie to you about it.

Anyway, like any good scientist, I like to make sure I follow the scientific method, and employ information and data before I make any conclusions about anything. With that in mind, I’ve been conducting a bit of an experiment in this site over the last couple of weeks, and the results obtained have been interesting to say the least.

April 9, 2015 in Dag

Everything I write is completely autobiographical – especially the made up bits

One of the first things that everybody learns when it comes to stories and books is the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

Everybody knows what that is, right? Everybody knows that fiction is stories that are made up while non-fiction is stuff that is real.

April 2, 2015 in Dag

This is the worst post I’ve ever written

Well, it had to happen.Last week, I reached a high point. I reached the absolute apex of my blogging career, by creating the greatest blog post I’ve ever written.

I suppose I should have been prepared for this. After such a lot of blogging stupendousness, there was no way I would be able to reach such wonderful heights again. I was kidding myself for even thinking that I could. Unfortunately, in trying to replicate the amazing awesomeness of last week, I’m afraid I’ve failed miserably.

March 26, 2015 in Dag

This is the best post I’ve ever written

It’s hard to believe, but I’ve been doing this blog thingy for almost four years.

That’s four years of insightful observations and hard-hitting revelations and general fluffy blah.

When I first started, I really had no idea about what I was doing. Every week, I would think, “What on earth can I come up with to post on my blog?” I was scrounging for ideas out of thin air. It really was a challenge.

March 19, 2015 in Dag

I’m really unreliable – and you can rely on that

Just a little warning to anybody arriving at my site for the first time. Don’t believe everything I say.

So how do you know which stuff I say you can believe and which stuff you can’t? Well to be honest I have no idea. I’m not even sure if you can believe me when I say that you can’t believe me.

That’s the tricky bit. As a writer, I am in the business of making stuff up. I’m a professional storyteller, an inveterate and incorrigible fabricator. Everything that comes into my head, no matter how correct and verifiable in the beginning, inevitably ends up getting twisted and turned until it ends up being something completely different.