October 25, 2014 in Dag

I suppose I'm a grappler

I owe the topic of this post to my good friend Trev.We were catching up for a drink a few weeks ago. Or maybe it was a few months ago – you know how time can slip away from you, and let's face it I don't get out much.Anyway, we were having a chat about

October 18, 2014 in Dag

I can’t remember anything that I remember

I reckon I have a pretty good memory.My brain seems to be pretty good at storing information. Ok, maybe not always quite so good at retrieving that information again, but I can usually catch it in the end.People are often amazed at the stuff I can remember. My family is often blown away by the

October 11, 2014 in Dag

A tale of Latvian backpackers

I’m going to get a bit nostalgic today. I’m thinking about one of my great inspirations as a writer, Douglas Adams. I learnt so much from his books. About how words written on a page can induce serious laughter. About how smart humour can be, getting into the realms of serious satire. About how characters

October 4, 2014 in Dag

Make a joke but don’t break my eardrums

To anyone who knows me, even just a little bit, you’ll know that funny is my thing.I like to laugh. I like to make other people laugh. I like to write stories that make me laugh. I like to write stories that make other people laugh. Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes not, but at least I

September 27, 2014 in Dag

One from the heart (not)

There’s a lot said about what art is meant to be, and what you need to do to be a true artist.You often hear it said, when a particular artist is referred to, that he or she is really digging deep and baring their soul for the world.It seems to be a particularly big deal