September 20, 2014 in Dag

One in, all in

I’ve talked before on this site about the question of whether the ability to write is inherent or something that can be learnt.The conclusion I’ve always come to is that it’s somewhere in between. I think there are some people who are natural writers, but you can always learn to be a better writer. To

September 13, 2014 in Dag

A story’s not a story without a swordfight

I used to be a theatre buff. Well, that might be exaggerating just a little. I used to go to the theatre quite a lot, but I’m not sure if I could really call myself a buff. My parents are definitely theatre buffs. They go to the theatre all the time. For a while, back

September 6, 2014 in Dag

End of Summer 2014 – New Visions

Today I interrupt my regular stream of conscious nonsense for a really important (and kind of cool) announcement. Just over a year ago, I first entered into a contractual arrangement with Evolved Publishing. No, that’s not the announcement, that’s old news. Since then, it’s been really exciting to see what a great job they’ve done

August 30, 2014 in Dag

Sit right down and I’ll tell you a story.

This is a bit of a follow up to the post I wrote a few weeks ago – the one where I talked about how two of the most important rules I follow when I write are making it flow and keeping it colourful. I’ve been thinking a bit more about my style of writing

August 23, 2014 in Dag

Please take me seriously, I’m funny

We funny people definitely have an image problem. We’re so whacky and zany and madcap. We celebrate the lighter side of life. Sure, there’s a place for that, but in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t compare with the graver, more serious types of creative endeavour. After all, it’s just a laugh, isn’t