May 11, 2013 in Dag

Here tomorrow, gone today

I’m pleased. I managed to come up with a nifty title for my blog today. I’m even more pleased. I have a little bit of an idea of what I might actually write about. It’s something I’ve seen mentioned over and over in the world of independent publishing: it’s a marathon, not a sprint. That’s

May 4, 2013 in Dag

Excitement and adventure from the very beginning

This is a really great and exciting opening sentence that will grab your attention straight away and make you want to read the rest of this post. Well, maybe not, but I thought I might try it anyway. I’ve been reading blog posts about opening sentences. I know, I shouldn’t be doing it. I’m so

April 27, 2013 in Dag

I’ve resorted to posting up recipes

Once again I have my friend Jim Murdoch to thank for this post. Regular readers of this site (assuming they exist – maybe I should be referring to those who accidentally pop their head in when they’re on their way somewhere else) would know about the travails I regular post about, describing how difficult it

April 20, 2013 in Dag

I’m not me

Okay, so that’s not strictly true. I guess, technically speaking, I am me. But when it comes to putting up these posts, I always feel that I’m a little bit…I wouldn’t quite say a fraud, but I wouldn’t say it’s totally me. The problem goes back a bit. I’ve never been one for talking about

April 12, 2013 in Dag

Orange Karen: Tribute to a Warrior

Today is one of those days when I’m glad to be talking about something bigger than just me and my writing. A few years ago, after I’d released my first book, I was flailing around on twitter with no idea what I was doing. By a stroke of luck, I chanced upon a group of