August 18, 2016 in Dag

Starting to feel a bit of warmth

This may seem unusual for those in the northern hemisphere who are probably still sweating in the heat of summer, but down here, south of the equator, we’re really hanging out for a bit of sun.

Winter always seems to go on forever. I know our Australian winters are nothing compared to the snowed-in freeze of a North America or Europe winter, but even so, after three months of chill and rain and barely any blue sky, it does start to get to you. So it’s with great relief that the clouds are finally starting to clear and we’re starting to feel the (very slight) warmth of the sun above us again.

A bit of sun makes such a difference. It warms you up from your head to your toes, making you feel alive again. It makes you want to throw the windows open, and run out into the street to lap it up. No more hiding inside. It’s time to embrace the world again. I want to get my body moving, feel the blood flowing through my veins, and kick-start my mind again.

With this newfound warmth, I feel like I’m starting to look forward with a sense of optimism that seemed lost when the cold set in. I’m moving things forward and resurrecting projects that seemed interminably stalled. Over the last week, I received the second round edits for my upcoming fantasy, Through the Flame, and I’ve been hard at work actioning them. And not only that but my brain is starting to click into gear. Ideas are swimming around – both for novels and also picture books. Some of them have even been worthy enough to actually make note of. I’m finding that I need scrap paper around the house, so I can quickly jot down my ideas before they fly away again.

It feels great being able get back into creative mode. I hate it when I’m feeling stalled and I’m not making progress on anything. It’s almost like being stuck in a cage, with nowhere to go. Finally, the bars have been ripped away and I can leap out to creative freedom again.

Who knows how long this mood will last. Over the next few days, it’s highly likely that the clouds will close in again, shutting off the light of the sun, and the rain will come back. And I might find that that sudden burst of creativity has left me again. If that’s the case, it won’t be the end of the world. Winter is almost over, and I know the sun will be back.

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