It runs and snorts and sniffles, and it dribbles, drips and blows.
But did you ever wonder just how do its contents build up.
And why the more you empty out, the more that it gets filled up.
Of course there is an answer to this question that I pose.
Just how it is that all that stuff gets up into your nose.
It’s placed there by a being, not much bigger than a dot.
A sweet and fragile spirit called the Fairy of the Snot.
This magic little fairy is a marvel to be seen.
She wears a dress of silver and her flowing hair is green.
She has a crown upon her head, and wings upon her back.
And slung over her shoulder is a little golden sack.
Across the sea the fairy flies, and when her journey’s done.
She sees the snot fields far below her, glistening in the sun.
Then down she swoops, and in her hand she holds a scythe so tiny.
To harvest up the crop she finds, so ripe and fresh and shiny.
From bush to bush she flitters, like a busy bumble bee.
Until that sack upon her back is full as it can be.
Then up into the air she soars, and back over the sea.
She flies and flies until she has returned to our country.
And now it’s time at last for her real mission to begin.
She looks around and finds a nose, and then she flies right in.
She scoops a handful from her sack and rolls it in a ball.
And then she gently flings it so it sticks upon the wall.
From nose to nose the fairy flies, delivering her load.
To noses inside houses and to noses on the road.
She flutters through the city and she floats upon the breeze.
Sometimes we feel her tickling, and that is why we sneeze.
And when the day is over and it’s time for her to stop.
Her sack is finally empty and she’s so tired she could drop.
At last the busy Snot Fairy is able to relax.
And spend some time with her great friend, the Fairy of Earwax.
A note to any illustrators watching – I’d love to see this turned into a picture book.
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